mini-book reviews - 1st quarter 2022
So as I have discussed previously, I felt the daily art exercise was interesting, but not the best use of my time in the sense that while I enjoy making art, it isn't central to my identity. Spending that much effort (often an hour or more each day) on that project was not an authentic use of my time. For someone else it might have been, but not for me. So I set up my weekly personal progress program for 2022 that included reading two books simultaneously and trying to read at least 10 pages from each every day (20+ pages total). That may not sound like much, but I am a slow reader - my wife is consistently surprised by how slowly I read, even after all these years. Also, some of these books are very dense, and it often requires re-reading passages to make sure I understand them. I often do more than the minimum, averaging close to an hour each day reading for personal development. I like to think that I have a challenging book, often a classic like Nozick's The Examined Life ...