the Good Life vs. the Worthy Life

As a high school freshman, we took a history course called Western Civilization that started with an introduction to ancient Greece (one can argue if that is the appropriate starting point, but I'm not interested in that right at the moment). In particular, we were introduced at a rudimentary level to Greek philosophy, and the fundamental question, What is the good life? This was not the first time I had been exposed to this question. Having grown up in a Catholic home where we attended church every week, I had heard priests throughout my life explaining the religious argument for the good life, but this was really the first time I had heard a secular discussion. And it was more of a discussion than an assertion, which made it more interesting to me. This question really gripped me as a pimply, hormone infused 14-year old, and has gripped me ever since then, even though the pimples are (mostly) gone and I'd like to think I have a little more discipline than my teen self...