Buddhism in Atomic Habits

I've always struggled with the Buddhist principle that desire is the source of suffering - take for example:

The Buddha believed that most suffering is caused by a tendency to crave or desire things. A person might crave something nice to eat or desire to go on a nice holiday or earn lots of money. Buddhism teaches that through being dissatisfied with their lives and craving things, people suffer.

source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zd8bcj6  

In James Clear's Atomic Habits he talks about happiness in a way that I think illuminates this Buddhist principle:

Happiness is not about the achievement of pleasure (which is to say joy or satisfaction), but about the lack of desire. It arrives when you have no urge to feel differently. Happiness is the state you enter when you no longer want to change your state. 

however, happiness is fleeting because a new desire always comes along. As Caed Budris says, "Happiness is the space between one desire being fulfilled and a new desire forming." Likewise, suffering is the space between craving a change in state and getting it. 

Atomic Habits, p 260.  

This interpretation helps me understand the Buddhist principle. 


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